A methodology for developing products and entrepreneurship by TUBER four strategies through effective mentoring program (Lean Canvas, Lean UX, MVP : minimum viable product, Pitching and Inspiration, and Scale up etc.)
TUBER provides Hot Desk service for those who are looking for a new and stylish work environment.
We aim to build a community and connect people from various job backgrounds and kick start their STARTUP
by providing knowledge/skills through workshops and events.
A place for igniting ideas, a place for networking, a place for creativity and a place with warmth.
TUBER provides Hot Desk service for those who are looking for a new and stylish work environment.
We aim to build a community and connect people from various job backgrounds and kick start their STARTUP
by providing knowledge/skills through workshops and events.
A place for igniting ideas, a place for networking, a place for creativity and a place with warmth.
A methodology for developing products and entrepreneurship by TUBER four strategies through effective mentoring program (Lean Canvas, Lean UX, MVP : minimum viable product, Pitching and Inspiration, and Scale up etc.)
To prove concept of works, a startup need to get product to market fast. Withinn 3-month period of Startups in Residence, mentoring program and TUBER ecosystem initiate making miniature MVP and move onto a full-scale MVP.
It always take time for a seed to grow up. Startups in Residence helps individuals to grow their businesses from opportunities such as joining with one of the largest event “Startup Thailand” and meet up numerous venture capital funding.